Friday, May 15, 2009

When Travelling On Rural Roads At Higher Speeds

short-time compensation (KUG) correct calculation of payroll outsourcing payroll

outsourcing of payroll accounting, payroll and payroll, is sometimes the easiest way to accurately calculating the short-time working (KUG) .

The extent of correct and, accordingly, individual wage settlement under the statutory requirements for entitlement and calculation of the partial unemployment benefits are comprehensive.

can in difficult economic times relieve the short-time working quickly and effectively reduced the cost of payroll.

reimburse the agencies for work, for example, half of the contributions to social security, account for the reduced working hours or to grant subsidies - up to 100% - with further training available for employees on short time ... (Temporary valid until end 2010).

geehen In sum, the application and process with the Agency for work on short-time compensation can be simplified.