Friday, January 28, 2011

Do Herpes Look Like Paper Cuts?

Eifel-flight weather 29.01.11


sunny cold winter weekend with light winds from the east to NE. Rather only Abgleiterpotenzial. Saturday Soaringchancen are the better.


(Graphic: wetter3 )
The high-licking from the Atlantic Ocean from approaching the British Isles. The clouds from dry, there is much sunshine. The wind from NE to East remains rather weak in the deeper regions increases with the amount but quickly to something. Whether on exposed eastern slopes around the Eifel as Boppard, Zeltingen or Hönningen now the slow moving cold air or ground level but the wind at the launch site, interspersed is difficult to predict. With some luck, perfect conditions prevail, with some bad luck it's enough to two days, only to slip. Saturday are the chances of soarbaren wind a little higher. The low inversion can provide surprising jet effects. Perhaps the day is nothing in Boppard, until suddenly the wind by 16 clock starts ...

Elsewhere fly

north of the Alps generally nice.

term forecast

Week starts sunny and slightly windy.

Note Please use the comment function of lu-Glidz-blogs for short after the weekend to post your experiences. Was the weather as the forecast? Where was something where nothing?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What To Write In Bosses Birthday Card

Safe Towing - DHV offers tips

On DHV sides of an interesting article on the safe flying is to read the wind. It's about how the glider is actually a self-stabilizing pendulum system under the action of pulling force in an unstable system.

The most important tip: If you should cross wind - if permitted by the trawl grounds - an abortion can be better so far, until one is flying directly into wind on the winch. Is the most visible statement of the Vorseils. With perfect alignment, this sheet is exactly on the axis of the screen to the winch. Makes the rope bends to the left or right, it is to have put himself in that direction, until this deflection disappears.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Play Pokemon Snap Mac

Waahoooo - the feeling of flight

The title is reminiscent of Huibuh, the castle ghost. But the following Youtube video is simply just a good illustration of an influential international flight feeling ...

Where To Find Terra Chips

Eifel-meteorological 22:01:11


largely covered weekend with a weak north wind, on NW rotation. Soaring the wind is expected to reach no. At best it would still go on Friday.


(Graphic: wetter3 )
The high over the British Isles brings relatively mild approach north air (no polar air). This reduces the temperature only in the heights of a little below zero. With the high weather is calm. The wind near the ground can slow down significantly. Only above a low inversion, he blows a little stronger. But little of it comes from the ground. In addition, sets the foothills of a depression over Scandinavia still on Western and Northern Germany. In dynamic situations, it may occasionally drip on Saturday schneiseln easily. Sundays remain rather dry, but still low relative to many clouds. The wind was blowing at about 10 mph from the north, Sunday to NO rotation. Flyingwise is there to pick out little slippage. Friday is there something more promising, but only in the higher layers. On Dreiser Weiher could wind probably good Wintersoaring . Allow

Elsewhere fly

south also is not clear. Northern Alps, partly in a traffic jam, with Nordföhntendenz Southern Alps.

term forecast

By mid-week or gray NW orientation. Then could sit down for the weekend by the high of us - with plenty of sunshine but little wind. Good winter ski weather.

Note Please use the comment function of lu-Glidz-blogs for short after the weekend to post your experiences. Was the weather as the forecast? Where was something where nothing?

Will My Dog Die From Mouth Cancer

EC145 / Current Progress

Here are some more to the article:
EC145 / The stern

Monday, January 17, 2011

Walk In Clinic Toronto Jobs

Bitchy Bausenberg

Sunday afternoon I was at the construction peak in the Eifel. Right from the landing area off offered an interesting sight: a blue screen across a tree directly behind the start. Geez, I thought, the building once again shown its gusty mountain Goats. And that was: a pilot trial was at the start of a recorded gust pushed up and back was, until the tree began gently in its branches.

The positive side to the story: The pilot was uninjured, and even its screen could be recovered without damage thanks to the help of the voluntary fire brigade. However, the oak struggled so much to let go of the bright lines that they themselves had to leave a few branches.

A little analysis will still are be. Because the pilot was still sunny and in the construction of mountain and winter thermals started so promising conditions, the wind had a significant impact in SW. In this combination, the hill is quite toxic. Even if the vane rotor is needed because of neat to south, you will soon buffeted by crosswinds, if one rises from the launch lane. Flyingwise you have to tinker with Mountain West wrap eh rare happiness. The slope does not contribute then. Who from the start just a little fly to the East, have problems come quickly to ever go back (barrier effect), and the western flank is just too flat. So: It is advisable to fly on the mountain building actually only south wind or SSO.

had After all the salvage operation of the wind the way, halfway turned to south, however, was so weak that for 3 drivers only from slipping was in it.

On Finkenberg (in Wiedtal) was flown on the same day at noon quite good, although the landings on the flood moistened landing field was not a pilot dream home.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Half Socks For High Heals

New Simulator - Phoenix

Actually, I was happy with the free version of Heli-X, but since a few weeks was not really the simulator. From time to time the transmitter was not recognized, then the control did not work, ... I was more trial and error to fly than busy. So I looked for a new simulator. After some comparisons, and reports on the net I've decided to Phoenix. Yesterday morning it was finally over, the new simulator was delivered. I have it installed and set them immediately. The installation and configuration is easy and implemented quickly. One thing one must note, on the remote control, one should choose the best for the helicopter on a space program, as thus automatically the TS-mixers are disabled.

Here is a sample video:

Friday, January 14, 2011

Nonreligeous Wedding Ceremony Programs

Update for HeliCalculator

side is now just over two weeks of HeliCalculator in the AppStore. In that time I have received some good suggestions, which features the HeliCalculator would still be useful. Currently, I plan, therefore, the first update for de HeliCalculator. This time the list of currently planned expansions (as of 01/14/2011):

first Tip speed
2. Centrifugal force calculation
third Database
fourth rotor blade Expansion engines here (Xtreme, RC Power, Turnigy)
5th Standard values for known models (T-Rex)
6th Expansion of the transmission ratio (1: n, inverse)

The current list of extensions can be found here: HeliCalculator planned enhancements

Here again the link to the AppStore: HeliCalculator the AppStore

Thank you for the many downloads.
I look forward to further feedback and suggestions:)

Ww2 Knife Camillus Usn

Video: training with Denis Cortella

also on the brink of World Cups, the pilots use the time to form yet further. Philippe Broers has filmed the last nice as a long lecture by Denis Cortella. Cortella is a leading competition plane and several times French champion, he is also the founder of Kortel Design, a company that manufactures harnesses. The next two films on Vimeo are very long, but perhaps the right for a rainy winter evening.

In the first part Cortella reported extensively on the design of harnesses, and what influence the geometry and various settings on the flight. After this presentation, you look to his harness with entirely new eyes and thought about where we could improve what may have.

Denis Cortella harness and flying performance part 1 from broers philippe on Vimeo .

The second part is Cortella interesting tips on how to optimize its thermal flying. In the last third he goes on the fast-flying one - and why should it for safety's sake keep away from the brakes. Very informative!

Cortella lecture from 2 broers philippe on Vimeo .

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Can I Put A Sim Card Into A Samsung Hype

Eifel-meteorological 15:01:11


Subsiding wind up on SW S rotation. Sunday dry and sunny in sight. If the wind is not too weak, it gets flyable.


(Graphic: wetter3 )
The low over the British Isles stretches back a little to the north. takes over Süddeutschlad a weak high command. It will approach this season for very mild air masses. The typical high drying air results in: Saturday fans have slowly, Sunday might even be sunny. The west wind makes the weekend to clear, turning to southwest to south. Saturday he is to fly rather too strong and gusty. Sunday but it could be on southern slopes, the SW also tolerate fit. However, the wind forecasts are then rather weak. Whether it's enough to soaring? Just another Sunday morning, more recent forecasts check. Otherwise, it's also a nice walk.

Elsewhere fly

south is already on Saturday milder and less wind.

term forecast

Monday many clouds, maybe rain. During the week it is cool again at North Wind. Winter snow is not in sight.

Note Please use the comment function of lu-Glidz-blogs for short after the weekend to post your experiences. Was the weather as the forecast? Where was something where nothing?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How To Give A Briazian Before And After Phpto

XC-Cup 2011 starts on 1 February

In 2011, there will be regional-haul competition XC Cup (Mosel, Saar, Rhine Palatinate, Eifel) again. For a time the future of the Cup was a bit uncertain after its chief organizer Thomas Willems Withdrawal was announced. But now a successor is found: Wolf Lohr. Together with Sascha Nilius, which acts more as a programmer of the database, it ensures the operation.

As a result of staff restructuring of the scoring period of the XC Cup starts a little late: this year it is held at 1.1. at 1.2. los. Given the parlous state of winter weather, the change at the end of the course, and certainly nothing in the outcome.

New in 2011, ranking the introduction of a rating class for "open", non-certified competition gliders, whose performance is now considered a somewhat lower factor. This makes sense, but started last year already a growing number of pilots with appropriate equipment. Among them there is now an age-group "GS Advanced" certification for devices with LTF 2 or higher or EN C and D. In the "sport class" is flying, who is with an umbrella to LTF 1-2 or EN B road.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Parking Meter Martin Luther King Los Angeles

Eifel-meteorological 08:01:11

The weather is currently not in use for flying. As a small consolation there is a picture from the snowy Stubaital, where I am currently working mainly with snowboarding. Three small little wings were already inside. The photo shows the launch site at the Panorama Kreuzjoch (click to see it larger). But now the hair dryer is there. The snow melts away and flying may make in the Alps break.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Carrot Juice Or Chemo

T-Rex 250 maintenance

Now, after about 20 flights have used the 250 I made a little maintenance. Here I noticed that the belt is frayed along the edge. Same time the original fast against the Kevlar belt antistatic belt replaced.

Download now LiPos still fast, then back out to fly:)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Reference Letter For Study Abroad

Healthy New Year

I wish all my readers and visitors a happy and prosperous new year.
I continue to use the opportunity to present my new iPhone app can.

The HeliCalculator RC helicopter pilots can e-drive and other parameters of the helicopter calculated. With the current version of the following calculations are available:

first Speed
second Motor pinion
third Engine time
4th Airspeed
5th Wing loading

to perform the calculations quickly and comfortably equipped, the software from a small
motor database. Current engines of Align, Scorpion, Hyperion and Turnigy be provided. Furthermore
can be configured in the battery.

gets on the following website you more details and screenshots:

The app is a service charge of 1.59 To obtain the Apple Store. link to the AppStore App
updates and features for free!

A Design for Google Android is already being planned.