Sunday, February 27, 2011

Progressive Pedal Edema Icd 9

levels towed soon possible

Who wants the plains with the paraglider to come up, which depends on the wind started. The secure entry into the thermal is so rare but not guaranteed. Often, the release height will remain below those heights reached in which a thermal tubes centerable size. Or to get out while high, but is caught in exactly the thermal cycle phase in which it only goes downhill. Even greater heights and longer towing time would be desirable.

makes this possible levels of drag: Latches onto the pilot after the first towing is not the same, but flies back with suspended rope and disengaged winds over the starting position, where he set out again to the winds, and is then pulled further. Release height of over 1,000 meters are available in several stages. However, the levels of towing accidents has fallen by some of kite fliers who tried that for years already in Germany a bad name. With a paraglider, he is therefore not practiced. That should change in the future. In a step tow-workshop of the DHV in the Rhine region Sevelen last weekend, the first stage was made.

Here is a Youtube video over steps tow in Holland. The hopes of the film that something is possible in Germany are expected to soon come true:

The Dutchman making that is possible with a paraglider a safe level tow: For years they have lots of experience collected and developed suitable technology. Meanwhile, regularly launched by towing centers in the Netherlands such as Toldijk impressive lowland flights that do not often well over 100 km to the north of Germany. German pilots from the Lower Rhine have been pursuing for some time now jealous beyond the bustle of the border and ask themselves: Why does it not us? Martin took food last year, the initiative and did the DHV and especially the drag Representative Horst Barthelmes the word.

Barthelmes was impressed and soon realized the potential. However, he warned that the stepped trailing in Germany had only one chance, if for the technology, the site selection and training of German law and the applicable regulations would be revised. To discuss provision of the necessary principles, invited the DHV in late February at a workshop in Sevelen . It should be a promising meeting with about 30 participants, including several Dutch pilots and Winch operator, who reported on their experiences.

The initial flight demonstrations were under severe conditions: The wind blew squally from south of the east-west path of the towed glider space Sevelen. Ado was dragged across the path along a dirt roads. When the wind speeds no towing was necessary steps to achieve great heights. Nevertheless, only showed the Dutch around Jan Meerbeek the drag center Toldijk their skills, then led Markusberg house before the flight school Active Zone that even with a German wind Kirchner is levels towing possible K6 (Photo: Towing performance K6 with built-in cable brake) .

the afternoon and evening, the theoretical work on the program. It quickly became clear that Germany does not need to drag the steps to re-invent a close cooperation with the Dutch, in order to benefit from their experience is desirable.

January Meerbeek made clear in a well-founded argument that follow the "classical" Towing and steps tow a slightly different philosophy. While in the classical case (the German practice) all came down to reach as greatest heights to find einemn verglängerten slipping in luck thermal connection, the step aims to drag the Dutch variant primarily on the pilots to settle in a thermal. Whether this happens in 150m or 650m high, after one, three or five levels is not important. A pilot will remain on the rope, step by step making, searching from the area ahead of the winds, until he finds a thermal somewhere, disengages, pivots and flies away. In general, the pilots in the Netherlands were hauled once a day, they were away (flown), so Meerbeek. "And the later they come back home, the wider the grin on her face."

However, this practice means that each tow takes much longer, on average, about 10 minutes. For pilots, that the quasi- Warranty on the ground waiting to be towed until later in the thermals, but easy to get over that. This is of course only if there are not too many.

Lesson 1: steps tow is mainly something to haul travelers in smaller groups.

Jan's Towing terrain in Toldijk measures only 300 x 300 meters. On the quadratic field can be dragged out in every direction. At the higher levels will, however, flew over the proper limits of the drag out area there, too to go on thermals.

Lesson 2: step-drag is also relatively small drag out possible sites.

The maximum flight distance rope depends on the altitude: always have the safe reeling of the cable must be guaranteed after the release, without risking that it lies over trees, roads or houses. Here the wind driver is needed that gives pilots the appropriate instructions via radio, when to turn back. Strict compliance with such requirements of the wind guide is a must! In general, the role and responsibility of the leader in wind drag levels is much greater. He gives the pilot by radio, in which direction they should turn on the rope to go on thermals. This had proved in practice, says sea teens. "A pilot is always under stress when towing. The other gets did not. From the ground, the experienced wind guide a larger overview. "Where were already thermal approaches noticeable when turning the birds? Thither the winch operator's pilot steers the rope. That's only radio contact. Without radio contact is not a step tow possible to fall out of radio, If the tractor is broken

Lesson 3: form pilot and winch operator at the levels drag a team, with the wind guide the pilots actively supported by radio with the thermals takes a lot of experience

The biggest risk in.. tow levels is that the pilot on the rope at the wrong time again attracted is. Whether because of the wind driver engages too early or because the rope gets caught somewhere and thus breaks around the pilot. To mitigate the consequences of such cases or to avoid altogether, the Dutch have developed a special safety latch. These triggers, similar to a ski binding automatically when there are more lateral traction. To be solved only with structurally rigid handles (no Gurtbandklinke). Each pawl is adjusted to the weight of the pilot (adjustable spring). Since then, this variant is used in Holland, where it has no more accidents associated with the actual towing. (Photo: Jan Meerbeek demonstrated as with a simple device with a spring balance, the resistance of the lateral release of the latch set)

Lesson 4: Stages drag requires a special, rigid safety latch with automatic release for lateral train. Gurtbandklinken are out! requires

special technique also to the winch. First, the transmission can be built so that in the uncoupled state for pulling the ropes, only a small amount of force is necessary. The most common wind types in Germany (with VW engine) can not meet this requirement. January Meerbeek winds based on an engine of the Honda Civic with automatic transmission, which for this Purpose is reinforced. However, these winds there has not been an automatic draft control, as prescribed by the DHV in Germany. Wind farm with its K6 Dieter Kircher promises a gradual slow viable solution, as this does not require differential and its frictional resistance.
Second, it is important to slow the drums when pulling the rope in the air as needed to avoid unnecessary rope throws and sagging. Theoretically, this could take over a winch operator manually, but this requires an enormous amount of dexterity and concentration, which is impractical in the long run. January Meerbeek has therefore developed an automatic system with an air brake. Once the cable tension decreases, opens a solenoid valve and release the brake pipe, the drum is braked and the cable tension is back. Basis of the typical rhythmic blasts of air that are audible, a winch operator could even detect when and where a pilot flies straight at the back crosses a thermally active zone, Meerbeek. (Photo: Jan Meertens explains the operation of the air by pressure-activated, automatic brake cable)

Lesson 5: For the steps it needs suitable towing winches with low Ausrollwiderstand and automatic brake cable .

presented in the course of the workshop Horst Barthelmes his thoughts and opinions to Practice and legal levels of towing up for discussion. The most important points in the summary: The tap

  • for towing gliders in Germany to come. However, this is only under the current law. The German rules will be somewhat stricter than in Holland.
  • The biggest problem looks Barthelmes at the sites. They have to get specifically for towing an advanced stage approval ("step capable of being dragged). That will not always be easy. Because according to German law prohibits tow ropes are dropped only one place to fly. Since the levels drag but often far beyond the actual boundaries of the drag area will be flown out, either this extended space would also have to put in the admission or the allowed flight envelope will be limited from the outset strongly. Safety-related obstacles in the environment (eg roads, power lines, etc.) might more often lead to some ground by the witness as "unsuitable for towed levels" classified.
  • Another problem is the available winds. Currently, there are few models that have been progressively flexible (low resistance to draw, automatic brake cable extension). Most clubs that are interested in drag levels are apparently have to look for new technology. Moreover, wind farm to be asked to meet this demand.

  • New clinics are also needed. Barthelmes will also set the stage for towing in Germany handles with side safety release. This could be developed and distributed by Jan Meerbeek model will soon be the first to show that it gets a DHV. The catch will cost around 200 €.

  • for the step each interested tow pilot and winch operator will have to make additional training. Basic requirement for pilots, the B-form. The training is through flight school. Later but should also "briefing entitled winch operator with sufficient levels of experience towing winch operator other continue their education in the association must. The first German ski steps teachers will receive their training in Holland.
If all goes well, should be available later this year, all the basic conditions are created so that in Germany the first official step of towing the glider are possible. Requests for review of sites on their levels towing capability can now be made to the DHV.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Romantic Anniversary, Tampa, Fl

Eifel-flight weather 26.02.11


on Saturday may initially be flown at very strong wind from the south (Saturday rather SSO, Sunday SSW), until the afternoon from the west comes the rain. Sunday only tend Ground Handling (in light Showers potential).


(Graphic: wetter3 )
between two competing high (Azores and Scandinavia) cheating became a British deep as the Rhine, which comes with a rather mild, but humid air masses so. On Saturday afternoon, and evening brings a front light rain, but at lunchtime could be on southern slopes, the SO-impact tolerate even a small opening, probably prefrontal "sporty" flight window. On Sunday, it remains largely gray and dry, but the gusty wind freshened up from SSW. In exposed locations is perhaps just a little for hang gliders. But in deeper Regions such as Rodenbach could still are good for good ground handling.

Elsewhere fly

kind in the Alps on Saturday right.

term forecast

On Tuesday the transition to a Ost-/NO-Lage with dry weather.

Note Please use the comment function of lu-Glidz-blogs for short after the weekend to post your experiences. Was the weather as the forecast? Where was something where nothing?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ceremony Order Wedding

Rosenberg - first impression

Recently I have in my blog on the newly prepared and approved launch site Rosenberg at Kobern-Gondorf written on the Mosel. Yesterday I was even on the ground and have him take a close look and even start a first test flight. Sorry, there was the rather disappointing (almost pure sliding), which was with the little bit too much to expect from the southeast wind, but coming from the side. However, the trip has already revealed some things not with a clear photo and Google-Map-study recognizes so impressive. Most of it has dampened my euphoria born of the theory for the new launch site earlier.
(For Photo: Jens P., who was a "Local" Kobern-Gondorf instrumental in the development of the Rosenbergs as a flying mountain, enjoys the view from the launch site over the Moselle Valley. The landing site is located 700 meters off direction. The meadows on the other side of the Moselle are approaching! Clicking the image gives a larger view.)

The biggest disappointment was the landing site. That one is quite comfortable in size, a long final approach allows parallel to the Mosel (against the prevailing wind direction) and you can park right next to it. But the good piece of over 700 meters distance away from the launch site. In direct descent, it is easy to reach. But who is looking for thermals on the slope in elevation, it's amazing to think of the early landing. Quickly, one is forced from the slope and its potential to solve updraft band. The effective in thermals available 'safe working height "of the Rosenbergs is then quite small. Who is ausreizt all downwind and passed down unexpectedly, is immediately forced to fly closer to the meadow on the other (!) Mosel. I appreciate that this official Notlandemöglichkeit even with strong valley wind (head wind) from South often the saving banks will be. Compared with Bremner, where the landing area is also far from the launch site, at the Rosenberg lacks the impact slope on which you can shimmy to landing soarend along.

more advantageous to the Soaring Rosenberg may well prove to be rather rare. Impact of the wind at south-east of the slope at the launch site is streamed bad. Although theoretically it is possible to take the fight to the East against the wind until you reach a bend behind a suitably oriented SO-flank. But the road is difficult and risky. First, it is rugged (Seitenrotoren!), on the other it leads away from the landing site. Without a safe margin, profit, this way a game with a railway lines, roads, tree or water landing. A high-fenced sports court, a petrol station roof and the courtyard of an Opel dealer are also a few to choose from ...

as suitable for wind Rosenberg I would rather Platzbeschau after a narrow window of South to SSW see. But then the soarbare edge is not particularly wide and the "effective" amount is shrinking as are flown into the wind to the landing site must be. It is advantageous but that the whole warm air from the upstream valley directly pushed to a deeper slope nose in front of the grid. In theory, this would be a great thermal trigger that should work well with the meteorological conditions.

Overall I would in the first sentence the Rosenberg rather than interesting, but challenging to assess than a thermal-Soaringberg. It could be a good spot for cross-country pilots, who are used after the start in the very first bit screwed and fly away. For wind direction south of Rosenberg is well situated, because the routes to North, there are no annoying first air spaces. Here the Rosenberg scores against Bremner, where one is located in the Buechel neck.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Swelling Wisdom Teeth One Month

New Start: Rosenberg

last few days there in the Eifel, a new certificated Mountain: the Rosenberg at Kobern-Gondorf on the Mosel. In January, the kite and glider friends Rhine-Moselle-Lahn (RML ) prepared the best starting place. From now on there should be flown. Starting direction is SW-S-SO, which fit the contours of her site for a better S and SO Soaringflug. The conditions for the Rosenberg strict conditions attached to all pilots must hold to the ground is not equal to threaten again. For the time being, the authorization is valid for one year only - as a test of whether the flight operation with nature conservation (including directly adjacent SAC) is compatible. (Photo: R. Boehm)

View Larger Map

important limitation: it must not be parked cars on the grid. Official car park is next to the landing area on the Mosel. Then Walk & Fly is announced. The causeway takes about 30 to 40 minutes. Option is to take a taxi. Or you can take up the gear, the car back down then run with less weight to the top ...

before the first flight at Rosenberg requires little training. It is however sufficient to read the description, including all references to Paragliding365 precisely (and to keep it!)

Whether the expected Rosenberg has the potential to be seen in the course of the year. During test flights in the past few years, the slope was found to be quite thermally and stretch fly. Rosenberg is a kind of nose between Hohesteinsbachtal Moselle Valley and the west flowing from Rosenberg to the Moselle Valley. Such ridges are often typical thermal trigger.

yet it is little experience with the current conditions on the slope: As it mixes the valley wind with the national wind? I suspect that the good soaring wind forecasts rather should have a SO-logging to use a steep slope east of the launch may well. SW wind at the edge of a guardrail could be the wind - with the appropriate difficulty to reach the landing site.

ADDENDUM from 24.2:. After a first test on Rosenberg I would the preceding paragraph shall no longer be. Even with SO-impact of the wind, the slope turns out at the start already as a guideline, with only a little. Meanwhile, I am assuming that at the Rosenberg only a narrow window to wind direction from S to SSW works reasonably well to keep soarend can.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Denise Milani Canopy Bed

PlaneCalculator for area pilots

The PlaneCalculator can drive parameters are calculated by electrically powered model aircraft. The first version is now available for a fee of 1.79 € in the App Store. The PlaneCalculator currently contains the following functions:

With the flight time calculation is determined based on the battery capacity and the motor current indication, the flight time.

In this calculation, it is the interpretation of the propeller. Based on several parameters such as the nominal flight speed here, the slope and the diameter is calculated. Other parameters are the speed, voltage, efficiency and engine power.

speed (maximum and minimum) flies
How fast is my model airplane with this prop? With the speed calculations, the maximum and the minimum required velocity is calculated.

wing loading
Due to the mass of the model and the square footage (wing area) is here determined the surface load. fly at a high wing loading the aircraft needs to quickly generate the necessary lift. Aircraft with lower wing loading can according to airspeed.

The static thrust calculation, we calculated the thrust of the drive.

on my iPhone website has more information and screenshots of the app.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Make Shark Invitaions

Eifel-meteorological 19:02:11


misty and rather light winds, with wind from SE to east. Sunday clouds with possible drizzle emerging from the west.


(Graphic: wetter3 )
lies between a low over the Atlantic and high above the Baltic states across Germany, an air mass boundary. East of it is fresh, west rather mild. At the interfaces leads to precipitation. The Eifel lies in a strip over the weekend to some extent in the Pliers is made. The clouds and precipitation move approached by both sides, with the warm front character predominates. On Saturday, the clouds condense from the west and the upper floors since then on Sunday they can also bring local drizzle. In the lower atmosphere but not dominated West-east wind but, with a local impact in the Eifel region of south-east to south. The air is quite humid and hazy. The wind blows kmh 10-15.

flying terms, this situation is quite exciting. Parawaiting Soaringglück and are close together. Depending on the south or greater Ostkomponente could slopes as Boppard, Lasserg, mountain building, or Hönningen Zeltingen be appropriate. The high relative humidity in the air can even cause the forced uplift of air masses on the slope to condensation processes (without forming dense fog). It is enough latent heat to be free to create "miraculous" thermals. Whether this effect will actually (according to reports on Thursday in Boppard was ever the case), but it is always difficult to predict.
Of the thermal conditions of her Saturday of the much better day. Maybe go on Sunday but also something else.

Elsewhere fly

No clear recommendation.

term forecast

dominated from mid-week again the west wind with varying Weather.

Note Please use the comment function of lu-Glidz-blogs for short after the weekend to post your experiences. Was the weather as the forecast? Where was something where nothing?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Vans Footwear Application

F1 of the skies

air racing is very exciting, but hard to visualize for an audience on the floor. In gliders, there are new things to try to do with appropriate technology even live broadcasts of such air races - including pictures from the cockpit of the helicopter and computer animations of the GPS data. The following documentation of the New Zealand television (not Philippe Broers, he has posted the film only in his Vimeo channel) is over an hour long but very entertaining and stimulating. They are mistaken air intake is high performance sailors, the race over 200 kmh in the low slope distance along the Ridges.

glider grand prix from broers philippe on Vimeo .

Also in the paragliding community have begun considering whether these could be implemented crowd-pulling race formats, including documents not with the slower pieces fly. A first attempt by Primoz Susa a Paragliding Grand Prix in Slovenia has recently been on the net. While this is not yet live, but it shows where we are headed.

Winter Paragliding Cup Buzet from primoz.susa on Vimeo .

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What To Wear To A Semi Formal Birthday Luncheon

EC145 / Current Progress

Here are some more to the article:
EC145 / The first flight is at

Friday, February 11, 2011

Replacement Towel Rod Bar

Eifel-meteorological 12:02:11


Mixed weekend with retreating to East rain-snow belt. Flying terms may be used on Sunday for final judicial south wind.


(Graphic: wetter3 )
wedged between two high-lows that the Scandinavian has not the strength to really determine weather to be Germany. The warm air sector of the western downs collides with a cold front in the eastern companions. On the air mass limit, which shifts to the east, there is Rain and snow at higher elevations on. The rain belt moves slowly eastward but with the cold front. The second half of the day on Saturday and much of Sunday in the Eifel area should remain dry. Flying terms of which is probably only available on Sunday, at a quite strong wind from the south. On slopes as Finkenberg, mountain building, Hönningen, Bremner, Klüsserath could then gesoart. The air layering thermals pregnant, but the clouds are quite dense, so that is actually more likely to be difficult with thermals. After today's modeling it could on Sunday afternoon in the Eifel a little tear (it will remain high cirrus clouds). Maybe that's enough even for a weak Bart.

Elsewhere fly

The best flights will take place in the head. Or let yourself be inspired by the talks on Saturday on the thermal-Messe in Stuttgart.

term forecast

From mid-week again calmer weather.

Note Please use the comment function of lu-Glidz-blogs for short after the weekend to post your experiences. Was the weather as the forecast? Where was something where nothing?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ontario's Used Cars Value Guide

Video: rattle, twist and solution

The flies used by "open" competition screens sometimes even nervous. In the following video, filmed at the last PWC in Colombia, shows the pilot Oleg Krasíkov as he can, and perhaps a little luck at first sight quite twisted situation with several twists can solve. The violent screwing for a "simple" would collapse, however, especially the extended screen (Boom 7) due '. Since I praise me my good-natured 1 of 2.
The loss of height of the entire maneuver, according to GPS-track have "only" be 150 m (data from the English Paraglidingforum ).

Disco in Colombia from Oleg Krasíkov on Vimeo .

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Glory Hole In Oc 2011

Eifel-meteorological 05:02:11


-stormy gusty but mild weekend, which until Sunday afternoon flight opens a possible window.


(Graphic: wetter3 )
Well see, the fine is not made properly. All isobars over northern Germany and pretty close parallel. As the mild Atlantic air is the only way herangebraust, and in the news, it is again, deep "Karl" send a stormy front of us away. On the coast on Saturday and gusts up to 100 are expected kmh. In the area of the Eifel, it is "only" up to 70 kmh. Since I will prefer to send no bags and no bar pilots in the air. This It would be really quite pleasant, since the mid-winter temperatures are surprisingly mild. Might weaken the wind on Sunday as far as that one in the afternoon to think again soaring and practice it maybe can. For now it is wait and check later wind forecasts. were then asked SW-slopes. Perhaps it is good for ground handling in Rodenbach.

Elsewhere fly

To the south, already apparent influence of high pressure. In the Alps, especially on the south side, good conditions.

term forecast

Sunny, mild, and after Monday also rather light winds.

Note Please use the comment function of lu-Glidz-blogs for short after the weekend to post your experiences. Was the weather as the forecast? Where was something where nothing?

Baja Bug Construction

Weather Links updated

addition to the blog lu-Glidz I look after the weather pages of DGC Siebengebirge . There I have recently again updated the Weather Links , cleared out and rearranged. Most important and hopefully most useful change is the first link box "wind and weather to date". In it I have now not only are some links to local weather stations in the Eifel area and their data combined, but also with other links to current Satbildern Radar and rain added. Meanwhile, the satellite images that can be found for example in Sat24 are as current as sharp, and thanks to a sequence with intervals of only 15 minutes so animated that you can win very many conclusions from it about the weather. The same goes for the rain radar, which provides even image sequences in 5 minute intervals. It's almost as if you were watching the front lines live. It is always worthwhile to throw before driving in snow, even a look!

An example: Just yesterday afternoon I was flying on mountain building. The wind was actually predicted from SW, which is good for this south-facing slope only marginally. However, it appears in Satbild, that of the Eifel was a low cloud swirl, where the clouds in the southern Eifel quite moved out West, on the eastern flank of the Eifel region along the Rhine valley, but more from South. So I set it on the way and was rewarded. The wind was in the right direction, however, was only a little weak, yielding only prolonged slide. Only 16 clock he took far too (even that was predicted) that I could even help with thermal elevate significantly. Unfortunately I had to cancel the flight because I had other appointments.