Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Swelling Wisdom Teeth One Month

New Start: Rosenberg

last few days there in the Eifel, a new certificated Mountain: the Rosenberg at Kobern-Gondorf on the Mosel. In January, the kite and glider friends Rhine-Moselle-Lahn (RML ) prepared the best starting place. From now on there should be flown. Starting direction is SW-S-SO, which fit the contours of her site for a better S and SO Soaringflug. The conditions for the Rosenberg strict conditions attached to all pilots must hold to the ground is not equal to threaten again. For the time being, the authorization is valid for one year only - as a test of whether the flight operation with nature conservation (including directly adjacent SAC) is compatible. (Photo: R. Boehm)

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important limitation: it must not be parked cars on the grid. Official car park is next to the landing area on the Mosel. Then Walk & Fly is announced. The causeway takes about 30 to 40 minutes. Option is to take a taxi. Or you can take up the gear, the car back down then run with less weight to the top ...

before the first flight at Rosenberg requires little training. It is however sufficient to read the description, including all references to Paragliding365 precisely (and to keep it!)

Whether the expected Rosenberg has the potential to be seen in the course of the year. During test flights in the past few years, the slope was found to be quite thermally and stretch fly. Rosenberg is a kind of nose between Hohesteinsbachtal Moselle Valley and the west flowing from Rosenberg to the Moselle Valley. Such ridges are often typical thermal trigger.

yet it is little experience with the current conditions on the slope: As it mixes the valley wind with the national wind? I suspect that the good soaring wind forecasts rather should have a SO-logging to use a steep slope east of the launch may well. SW wind at the edge of a guardrail could be the wind - with the appropriate difficulty to reach the landing site.

ADDENDUM from 24.2:. After a first test on Rosenberg I would the preceding paragraph shall no longer be. Even with SO-impact of the wind, the slope turns out at the start already as a guideline, with only a little. Meanwhile, I am assuming that at the Rosenberg only a narrow window to wind direction from S to SSW works reasonably well to keep soarend can.


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