Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Make Shark Invitaions

Eifel-meteorological 19:02:11


misty and rather light winds, with wind from SE to east. Sunday clouds with possible drizzle emerging from the west.


(Graphic: wetter3 )
lies between a low over the Atlantic and high above the Baltic states across Germany, an air mass boundary. East of it is fresh, west rather mild. At the interfaces leads to precipitation. The Eifel lies in a strip over the weekend to some extent in the Pliers is made. The clouds and precipitation move approached by both sides, with the warm front character predominates. On Saturday, the clouds condense from the west and the upper floors since then on Sunday they can also bring local drizzle. In the lower atmosphere but not dominated West-east wind but, with a local impact in the Eifel region of south-east to south. The air is quite humid and hazy. The wind blows kmh 10-15.

flying terms, this situation is quite exciting. Parawaiting Soaringglück and are close together. Depending on the south or greater Ostkomponente could slopes as Boppard, Lasserg, mountain building, or Hönningen Zeltingen be appropriate. The high relative humidity in the air can even cause the forced uplift of air masses on the slope to condensation processes (without forming dense fog). It is enough latent heat to be free to create "miraculous" thermals. Whether this effect will actually (according to reports on Thursday in Boppard was ever the case), but it is always difficult to predict.
Of the thermal conditions of her Saturday of the much better day. Maybe go on Sunday but also something else.

Elsewhere fly

No clear recommendation.

term forecast

dominated from mid-week again the west wind with varying Weather.

Note Please use the comment function of lu-Glidz-blogs for short after the weekend to post your experiences. Was the weather as the forecast? Where was something where nothing?


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