Thursday, February 24, 2011

Romantic Anniversary, Tampa, Fl

Eifel-flight weather 26.02.11


on Saturday may initially be flown at very strong wind from the south (Saturday rather SSO, Sunday SSW), until the afternoon from the west comes the rain. Sunday only tend Ground Handling (in light Showers potential).


(Graphic: wetter3 )
between two competing high (Azores and Scandinavia) cheating became a British deep as the Rhine, which comes with a rather mild, but humid air masses so. On Saturday afternoon, and evening brings a front light rain, but at lunchtime could be on southern slopes, the SO-impact tolerate even a small opening, probably prefrontal "sporty" flight window. On Sunday, it remains largely gray and dry, but the gusty wind freshened up from SSW. In exposed locations is perhaps just a little for hang gliders. But in deeper Regions such as Rodenbach could still are good for good ground handling.

Elsewhere fly

kind in the Alps on Saturday right.

term forecast

On Tuesday the transition to a Ost-/NO-Lage with dry weather.

Note Please use the comment function of lu-Glidz-blogs for short after the weekend to post your experiences. Was the weather as the forecast? Where was something where nothing?


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