Thursday, February 3, 2011

Glory Hole In Oc 2011

Eifel-meteorological 05:02:11


-stormy gusty but mild weekend, which until Sunday afternoon flight opens a possible window.


(Graphic: wetter3 )
Well see, the fine is not made properly. All isobars over northern Germany and pretty close parallel. As the mild Atlantic air is the only way herangebraust, and in the news, it is again, deep "Karl" send a stormy front of us away. On the coast on Saturday and gusts up to 100 are expected kmh. In the area of the Eifel, it is "only" up to 70 kmh. Since I will prefer to send no bags and no bar pilots in the air. This It would be really quite pleasant, since the mid-winter temperatures are surprisingly mild. Might weaken the wind on Sunday as far as that one in the afternoon to think again soaring and practice it maybe can. For now it is wait and check later wind forecasts. were then asked SW-slopes. Perhaps it is good for ground handling in Rodenbach.

Elsewhere fly

To the south, already apparent influence of high pressure. In the Alps, especially on the south side, good conditions.

term forecast

Sunny, mild, and after Monday also rather light winds.

Note Please use the comment function of lu-Glidz-blogs for short after the weekend to post your experiences. Was the weather as the forecast? Where was something where nothing?


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