Saturday, May 20, 2006

Freebill Of Sale Foe Camper

"pinhole stitching

blend of analog and digital technology

meet here together old analog technology with modern computer technology . Sacrilege for "pinhole"? I had to try it! After initial experiments with the stitching digital camera I was doing a SW-roll film in the just newly arisen and "pinholisierte" Holga . with tripod and ball head, I then made my shots, each by 30 degrees horizontally turned further. After developing and scanning the big moment. The individual images were loaded into the demo version of " Panorama Factory " - the result is amazingly perfect at the first automatic pass. The software (An older version is available as freeware as here) is probably good for beginners. The last picture I have drawn out the Lochset something by mistake, hence its light ...

8 individual recordings via software "stitched together" (stitching)


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