Friday, May 19, 2006

How To Put Cheats On Gpsphone Easiest Way

Pinhole Photography -
The other point of view

What is the attraction of this unusual, old-fashioned kind of photography? Is it a kind of counter-movement to the digital camera boom? Slow Food for photographers? The Überrraschungseffekt, What ultimately comes out of it? The surprise about what you can image with a simple hole? To make the kind of contemplative images that has so nothing to do with stress and quick fixes?

A question of size

(K) is a matter of faith? Small picture, roll film, sheet film? 20 x 30 cm, it is just beginning to get interesting? Best in the truck or trailer exposed on the meter? This sounds like the debate between analog or digital photograph. My opinion: it does not matter. I've seen a lot of convincing pinhole images of the small film and I'm just fascinated by large formats. Sharpness fanatics get their money anyway, not with this technique. Oddly, or not, I have hardly seen images that have been made with "perforated" digital cameras.

camera design, exposure, development

N oh the first successful experiments with the pinhole photograph of the creative image of fun really starts in earnest. You can plan for its cameras image ideas and run as horizontal formats for panoramas or multi-hole-pictures, may plan, rectangular or cylindrical film holder design, anything as a "camera" for any purpose for which you somehow opaque record and gets the film or photo paper can, the possibilities are almost limitless.

M it the choice of material to be exposed - film or photo paper, deciding on the length of exposure. In film and short focal lengths "to times are within seconds, paper probably know this hours. Thus, for the motive, of course, the light-sensitive material is crucial. Of architecture and landscape we can indeed use photo paper, but which model is sitting for several hours for a portrait.

S chwarzweiß films I develop mostly ; color material I give to the lab. But in the further processing are the ghosts. While some increase in their own darkroom to Barythpapier or copying and prepare their prints carefully by hand, I belong more to the other Group, their negatives scanned and then in the digital darkroom (Photoshop / Gimp) processes. When I need prints, I have the choice between ink printer or service exposure. The latter is usually even cheaper. It remains for me but the option of "fine print" with these pigment inks on high quality paper ... and my negative I've also, just in case ...


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